In 1930, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) created a new opportunity called Cub Scouting for boys in elementary school. A year-round, home-centered program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement between children and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. Cub Scouting has the following purposes:
- Influence character development and spiritual growth
- Develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship
- Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body
- Improve understanding within the family
- Strengthen ability to get along with others
- Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills
- Provide fun and exciting new things to do
- Show scout how to be helpful and "Do your best!"
- Prepare them to be a part of Scouts BSA
Pack 111 started at Nantucket Elementary School in Crofton, MD in 2009. We have since grown to roughly 60 Scouts. In the summer of 2018, BSA Cub Scout membership opened to girls as well as boys. Pack 111 accepts kindergarten through 5th grade (ages 5 through 10) from any school. Our kindergartners are part of a new BSA program called Lions, however Pack 111 were early adapters with a kindergarten program we adopted called Mowglis before the program was available in other packs. The program helped prepare younger scouts and their families for bridging into Cub Scouts in June at the end of their kindergarten year. Many but not all local Packs accept Girls and Kindergarteners. We are proud recipients of the 2019 and 2012 Rick Gannon Cub Scout Achievement Award. We have also been awarded the Journey to Excellence Gold or Silver Award every year since 2010.
Contact information:
- Membership Coordinator –
- Cubmaster – Andrew Carta,, 410-610-0587
- Pack Committee Chair – Chuck Ward,, 443-454-6156
- Chartering Organization – Mid-Atlantic Community Church (MACC), Pastor Joe Heinrichs, Chartering Organization Representative is Carl Aten
The Pack is made up of 1 or 2 Dens from each grade level. Dens usually have 8 to 10 Scouts each. Time commitment averages about one event per week. The Pack usually meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at Nantucket. Dens usually meet twice a month (day, time, and location depend on the Den). There are often one or two outings or special events for Dens or the Pack each month (sometimes these are in place of a meeting).
- For the 2023/2024 School Year, pack dues are $175 per year (there is also a $25 application fee for new scouts that goes towards National registration) that includes BSA National registration fees & insurance, T-shirt for new Scouts, advancements & awards, and other costs associated with running a Cub Scout Pack.
- Each Scout will need a Class A uniform purchased from the Scout Shop which consists of a blue Cub Scout uniform shirt (4th and 5th graders can wear the khaki Boy Scout uniform shirt if they prefer), World Crest patch, Baltimore Area Council patch, neckerchief and slide (based on their rank), belt, and hat (optional).
- Scouts should wear shorts or pants with beltloops that fit the uniform belt. These can be purchased at the Scout Shop or any other retailers.
- The pack will provide a Pack 111 patch and a den patch.
- There may be additional costs for some activities throughout the year, such as camping and summer camp.
- There are also optional fundraising opportunities to offset these costs.
Cub Scout uniforms and materials can be purchased at: The Scout Shop (just off Dorsey Rd, south of BWI), 7502 Connelley Drive, Suite 120, Hanover, MD 21076, 410-553-6913. Hours: Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs 10-7, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4, closed Sundays and major holidays.